person holding smartphone in front of table

Last week alone, I had two different clients upgrade their package by +5 hours a week. One went from 20 to 25 hours a week, while the other went from 5 to 10.

Most new clients come with little to no prior experience working with a remote Executive Assistant. They have questions about how it works, what the workflow is like and how it can benefit them. 🤔

Many choose to begin with our smallest package, just 5 hours a week, of EA support with their personally matched Dream Support EA.

For some, that bite-sized package is just enough to help them achieve what they’re looking for. 🎯

But for others, as their trust grows with their EA and the results come in, they continue to see new and different ways to fully utilize their EA’s expertise. 🌱💡

That’s when it’s time to right-size their package.

The Simplicity of Package Right-Sizing:

We’re here to make the process of upgrading your package as smooth as possible. No need for complex meetings or drawn-out agreements. Here’s how it works: ✨

  • Quick Chat: Reach out to us for a quick chat. Whether it’s through a call or an email, we’re all ears to hear how your needs are evolving. 📞
  • Availability Check: We’ll consult with your dedicated EA to ensure they have the availability to accommodate the upgraded tasks and responsibilities. 🗓️
  • Swift Adjustment: Once availability is confirmed, we’ll make the adjustment as quick as possible, sometimes on the very same day—no waiting, no delays. 🏃‍♂️
  • Seamless Transition: Your EA seamlessly integrates the new tasks into their workflow, ensuring a seamless transition and additional support. 🤝

Experience the Benefits:

  • Efficiency Amplified: Get the exact level of support you need, precisely when you need it, without skipping a beat. 🔊
  • Maximized Productivity: By right-sizing your package, you’ll free up time and energy to focus on your core goals and passions. 🚀
  • No Additional Agreements Needed: We keep it simple. No new agreements or complex paperwork required. Your success is the priority. 🙌

Let’s Take the Next Step Together:

Your journey with Dream Support is all about achieving your vision and scaling your dreams. 🌠

Our package Right-Sizing process ensures that as your needs change, your support system adapts, just as seamlessly.

So, whether you’re ready to elevate your efficiency, maximize productivity, or enhance your impact, reach out to us today. Let’s continue crafting your success story, one right-sized package at a time. ✨

Cheering You On,

Micah Foster, Co-Owner